Game Strategy, Design and Build

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An FTC (First Tech Challenge) season typically consists of several phases, each with its own unique goals and opportunities for teams. Here are the main phases of an FTC season and some insights on winning different awards:

Kickoff: The season starts with the Kickoff event, where the game is unveiled, and teams receive the game manual and rules. During this phase, teams analyze the game, strategize, and begin brainstorming robot designs and strategies.

Design and Build: In this phase, teams focus on designing and building their robot. They create prototypes, iterate on designs, and fabricate the necessary components. This phase requires effective teamwork, problem-solving, and engineering skills.

Programming and Testing: Once the robot is built, teams move on to programming and testing. They write the control code, test the robot's functionality, and refine their programming techniques. This phase involves programming skills, attention to detail, and thorough testing to ensure the robot performs well in matches.

League Meets/Qualifying Tournaments: During league meets or qualifying tournaments, teams compete against each other in matches. The matches test the robot's capabilities and allow teams to earn points by completing game-specific tasks. Teams accumulate scores throughout these events to qualify for higher-level competitions.

Some of what is listed below applies to states qualification as well.

Qualifying for the FTC (First Tech Challenge) World Championship is an achievement that teams strive for. The qualification process for Worlds may vary depending on the region and the specific rules and guidelines set by the FTC organization for each season. Here are some common methods for qualifying for the World Championship:

Winning the Inspire Award: The Inspire Award is the highest honor in FTC, and winning this award at a qualifying tournament or event often grants automatic qualification for the World Championship. The Inspire Award recognizes teams that excel in all aspects of the competition, including robot design, performance, community outreach, and teamwork.

Winning the Winning Alliance Award: Being a part of the winning alliance in the final elimination matches at a qualifying tournament can also lead to qualification for Worlds. The winning alliance comprises the teams that emerge as champions during the tournament.

Advancement criteria: Regional FTC competitions may have specific advancement criteria outlined by the FTC organization. These criteria could include a certain number of slots available for World Championship qualification, and they may consider factors such as performance, awards won, and overall rankings at the regional or national level. Teams that meet the advancement criteria set by their region's FTC organization qualify for the World Championship.

Additional awards: Some regions may offer additional awards that grant qualification for the World Championship. These awards can vary from season to season and from region to region. For example, certain awards may provide automatic qualification or a wildcard entry to the World Championship.

It's important to note that the specific qualification criteria and processes for the World Championship may vary from region to region and from season to season. The official game manual and guidelines provided by FIRST for each particular FTC season will outline the specific qualification requirements for advancing to the World Championship. It's recommended that teams thoroughly review the game manual and stay updated with the rules and announcements from their regional FTC organization to understand the qualification criteria and process in their specific region.

Research refers to the process of learning about the game challenge, the rules and regulations, and any available resources that may help your team design and build a successful robot. Research is an important part of the FTC competition because it can give your team a competitive edge and help you make informed design decisions.

Here are some examples of research activities that FTC teams might undertake:

Game analysis: Analyzing the game challenge and objectives, and identifying the most effective strategies and tactics for completing the tasks.

Rule review: Carefully reviewing the game manual and rules to ensure your robot design and strategies comply with all the requirements.

Component research: Researching the best sensors, actuators, and other components that are allowed under the rules to enable your robot to perform the necessary tasks.

Design inspiration: Looking at other robots, designs, and solutions that have been successful in past FTC competitions for inspiration and ideas.

Programming research: Researching and testing programming methods and algorithms that may be useful in completing the tasks.

Team skill development: Building team members' skills and expertise in areas such as engineering, coding, and project management.

Outreach: Researching and reaching out to potential sponsors, mentors, and other resources that may help your team achieve its goals.

By conducting thorough research, FTC teams can develop a deep understanding of the game challenge and rules, identify the best components and strategies for their robot, and ultimately increase their chances of success in the competition.

Here are some general guidelines that might help teams develop a strong strategy:

Prioritize accuracy and consistency: Because the game involves shooting rings into a high goal, it's important to build a shooter mechanism that is both accurate and consistent. This may require extensive testing and tuning to ensure that the robot can reliably hit the high goal from various locations on the field.

Be versatile: In addition to shooting rings, teams can also earn points by placing wobble goals and navigating around the field. It's important to build a robot that can perform well in multiple areas, rather than focusing solely on one specific task.

Focus on efficiency: Time is limited in each match, so it's important to build a robot that can complete tasks quickly and efficiently. This may involve streamlining the robot's movements or minimizing the time required to reload the ring shooter.

Adapt to different game situations: Depending on the actions of other teams, the ideal strategy may change from match to match. Teams should be prepared to adjust their approach based on the behavior of their opponents.

Practice, practice, practice, did we say PRACTICE: As with any competition, practice is key to success. Teams should spend ample time testing and refining their robot, as well as practicing with other teams to simulate tournament conditions.

Ultimately, the most successful teams will be those that can combine these strategies with effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

There are many design considerations to take into account when designing an FTC robot. Here are some key factors to consider:

Game strategy: Your robot design should be informed by your game strategy. Think about the game objectives, the tasks your robot needs to perform, and the strengths and weaknesses of your team. This will help you prioritize the features and capabilities of your robot.

Weight and size restrictions: FTC robots have strict weight and size restrictions, so you'll need to design your robot to be as lightweight and compact as possible while still meeting your performance requirements.

Power source: FTC robots can be powered by a battery or by a combination of battery and other power sources, such as solar panels or generators. You'll need to decide on the best power source for your robot based on your game strategy and performance requirements.

Drive train: Your choice of drive train will depend on your game strategy and the terrain you'll be navigating. Consider factors such as speed, maneuverability, and stability when choosing a drive train.

Sensors and actuators: You'll need to choose the right sensors and actuators to enable your robot to perform the necessary tasks. Consider factors such as accuracy, reliability, and power consumption when selecting sensors and actuators.

Programming language and software: You'll need to choose a programming language and software platform that is compatible with your robot's hardware and meets your programming requirements. Consider factors such as ease of use, compatibility, and community support when selecting a programming language and software.

Safety considerations: FTC robots should be designed with safety in mind. Make sure to follow all safety guidelines and regulations, and design your robot to minimize the risk of injury to yourself, other competitors, or spectators.

Maintenance and repair: Your robot should be designed to be easily maintained and repaired in the field, with minimal downtime. Consider factors such as modularity, accessibility, and ease of repair when designing your robot.

These are just a few of the many design considerations to take into account when building an FTC robot. Remember to test and iterate on your design, and seek guidance and support from experienced teams and mentors as needed.

Drive Trains :
There are several common types of drive trains that are used in FTC robots:

Tank drive: This is the simplest and most common type of drive train. It consists of two wheels, one on either side of the robot, and each wheel is independently driven by a motor. This allows the robot to move forward, backward, and turn by varying the speed of the motors on each side.

Mecanum drive: This type of drive train uses four mecanum wheels, which have rollers mounted at 45 degree angles. The rollers allow the wheels to move sideways as well as forward and backward, which enables the robot to move in any direction and rotate in place.

Swerve drive: This is a more complex type of drive train that uses four or more independently-steerable wheels. Each wheel has its own motor and steering mechanism, which allows the robot to move in any direction and rotate in place with minimal skidding.

H-drive: This type of drive train uses three wheels arranged in an H pattern. The two wheels on either side of the robot are driven by motors, while the center wheel is mounted on a rotating arm that can be powered by a servo or motor. By varying the speed and direction of the wheels on either side, the robot can move forward, backward, and turn, while the center wheel allows it to move sideways.

The choice of drive train depends on the specific requirements of your robot and game strategy. For example, if you need to navigate around obstacles and maneuver quickly, a mecanum or swerve drive might be a good choice. If you need more stability and simplicity, a tank drive might be a better option. The H-drive is a good compromise between the two, as it provides some sideways motion without the complexity of a mecanum or swerve drive.

Keep in mind that no one drive train is perfect for all situations, and it's important to test and iterate on your design to find the best solution for your specific needs.

Sensors :
FTC robots can use a wide variety of sensors to detect and respond to their environment. Here are some of the most common sensors used in FTC robots:

Color sensor: A color sensor is used to detect the color of an object and can be used to differentiate between different game elements, such as game pieces or game field lines.

Distance sensor: A distance sensor is used to measure the distance between the robot and an object or surface, and can be used for navigation or object detection.

Gyro sensor: A gyro sensor is used to measure the robot's rotation or orientation, and can be used to help the robot maintain a specific heading or perform precise turns.

Touch sensor: A touch sensor is used to detect physical contact with an object or surface, and can be used to trigger specific actions or behaviors.

Ultrasonic sensor: An ultrasonic sensor is used to measure distance by sending out and receiving sound waves, and can be used for navigation or object detection.

Magnetic sensor: A magnetic sensor is used to detect magnetic fields, and can be used for navigation or object detection.

Infrared sensor: An infrared sensor is used to detect infrared radiation, and can be used to detect the presence of nearby objects or surfaces.

Light sensor: A light sensor is used to detect the amount of light in the robot's environment, and can be used for line following or object detection.

Pressure sensor: A pressure sensor is used to measure the amount of force applied to it, and can be used to detect contact or changes in weight.

These are just a few examples of the sensors that can be used in FTC robots. The specific sensors used will depend on the specific challenges and requirements of the game, as well as the goals and capabilities of the team.

Collection Mechanisms :
Collection mechanisms are an important part of FTC robots, as they allow the robot to effectively pick up and manipulate game elements. Here are some common collection mechanisms used in FTC robots:

Claw: A claw mechanism is a simple and effective way to pick up and manipulate game elements. It consists of a pair of opposing arms that can be opened and closed to grip objects.

Scoop: A scoop mechanism uses a curved or angled surface to scoop up game elements. The scoop can be attached to a lift system to elevate the game element to a desired height.

Belt or conveyor: A belt or conveyor mechanism uses a continuous loop of material to move game elements from one location to another. The belt can be used to pick up game elements as well.

Tongs: A tong mechanism consists of two arms that can be opened and closed to grip and pick up game elements.

Vacuum: A vacuum mechanism uses suction to pick up and hold game elements. The vacuum can be attached to a lift system to elevate the game element to a desired height.

Forklift: A forklift mechanism uses two or more arms that can be raised and lowered to pick up game elements from the sides.

Gripper: A gripper mechanism uses a pair of opposing arms or fingers that can be adjusted to fit and grip different game elements.

When designing a collection mechanism for an FTC robot, it's important to consider factors such as the size and weight of the game elements, the speed and accuracy needed for collecting and manipulating them, and the space and weight limitations of the robot itself. The collection mechanism should also be designed to work well with the other components of the robot, such as the drive train and lifting system.

Here's a grouping of the programming languages supported by FTC based on school grade levels:

For Middle School (Grades 6-8):

Blocks (Blockly): Blockly is a graphical programming language that provides a beginner-friendly drag-and-drop interface. It is suitable for younger students who are just starting to learn programming concepts.
For High School (Grades 9-12):

Java: Java is the most commonly used programming language in FTC. It offers a wide range of features and allows for complex programming structures. It is suitable for high school students who have some programming experience or are ready to dive into more advanced programming concepts.

OnBot Java: OnBot Java is a simplified version of Java that runs directly on the robot controller. It provides a more lightweight programming option and is suitable for students who prefer a simpler programming environment.


Python: Python is an experimental programming language supported by FTC. It is known for its simplicity and readability, making it an attractive option for teams with Python programming experience. However, since it is still in the experimental stage, its availability and features may be subject to change.

It's important to note that these groupings are not strictly limited by grade levels. Students of different grade levels may have varying levels of programming experience and capabilities, so the choice of programming language should be based on their skill level, familiarity, and readiness to learn. Additionally, the suitability of a programming language may vary depending on the specific team and their goals.

Tank Drive Sample   Mecanum Drive Sample   Color Sensor    Distance Sensor
Gyro Sensor    Servo Programming    PID Controller

Android Studio - Windows
To set up Android Studio for FTC (First Tech Challenge), follow these steps:

Download and install Android Studio: Visit the official Android Studio website ( and download the latest version of Android Studio for your operating system. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Install the FTC SDK: The FTC SDK (Software Development Kit) provides the necessary libraries and tools for FTC robot programming. You can download the FTC SDK from the official GitHub repository ( Click on the green "Code" button and select "Download ZIP" to download the SDK as a ZIP file.

Extract the FTC SDK: Locate the downloaded FTC SDK ZIP file and extract its contents to a preferred location on your computer.

Open Android Studio and set up a new project:

Click on "Open an Existing Project" or select "Import Project" from the Android Studio welcome screen.
Navigate to the location where you extracted the FTC SDK and select the "FtcRobotController" folder.
Click "OK" to open the project.
Configure the project:

Android Studio may prompt you to install additional dependencies and tools. Follow the prompts to install any required components.
Set up the Android SDK: If you haven't done so already, you'll need to set up the Android SDK. Android Studio will guide you through the process, or you can refer to the official documentation for detailed instructions.
Connect your Android device: Connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable. Make sure USB debugging is enabled on your device (found in Developer Options).
Build and run the FTC Robot Controller app:

In the Android Studio toolbar, select the "FtcRobotController" configuration from the Run/Debug Configurations dropdown.
Click on the "Run" button (green triangle) or select "Run > Run 'FtcRobotController'" from the menu.
Android Studio will compile the code and install the FTC Robot Controller app on your connected Android device. You can now use the app to control and program your FTC robot.
It's worth noting that the above steps provide a basic setup for FTC development with Android Studio. Depending on your specific requirements and preferences, you may need to configure additional settings, such as emulator configurations, SDK versions, and build variants. Refer to the official FTC documentation, including the FTC Software Development Guide, for more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips.

Andriod Stuido - Mac OS
To set up Android Studio for FTC on a Mac and push code wirelessly to your FTC robot, follow these steps:

Download and install Android Studio: Visit the official Android Studio website ( and download the latest version of Android Studio for macOS. Open the downloaded DMG file and drag the Android Studio icon to the Applications folder to install it.

Install the FTC SDK: Download the FTC SDK from the official GitHub repository ( Click on the green "Code" button and select "Download ZIP" to download the SDK as a ZIP file. Extract the ZIP file to a location on your Mac.

Open Android Studio and set up a new project:

Launch Android Studio from the Applications folder.
On the welcome screen, click on "Open an Existing Project" or select "Import Project."
Navigate to the location where you extracted the FTC SDK and select the "FtcRobotController" folder.
Click "OK" to open the project.
Configure the project:

Android Studio may prompt you to install additional dependencies and tools. Follow the prompts to install any required components.
Set up the Android SDK: Android Studio should guide you through the process of setting up the Android SDK. If necessary, you can manually configure the SDK location by going to "Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK" and providing the appropriate path.
Connect to your FTC robot wirelessly:

Install Andriod File Transfer

Connect your FTC robot to your Mac using a USB cable and make sure it is powered on.
Open a Terminal window on your Mac.
Enter the following command in the Terminal to set up a wireless connection to your FTC robot:
adb tcpip 5555
Disconnect the USB cable from your FTC robot.
On your FTC robot, navigate to the "Settings" menu.
Look for the "Wi-Fi" section and note down the IP address of the robot.

Back on terminal
adb start-server 
adb connect (use your hubs IP address)
adb stop-server (Only when you are done with all the work for the day)

Sometime adb has issues connecting to the Control Hub. In which case, stop and restart the server using above commands. 

Connect Android Studio to your FTC robot wirelessly:

In Android Studio, click on the "Connect to Device" button in the toolbar.
Click on the "+" button to add a new device connection.
Enter the IP address of your FTC robot in the "Address" field.
Click "OK" to save the device connection.
Build and run the FTC Robot Controller app wirelessly:

Select the "FtcRobotController" configuration from the Run/Debug Configurations dropdown in the toolbar.
Click on the "Run" button (green triangle) or select "Run > Run 'FtcRobotController'" from the menu.
Android Studio will compile the code and push the FTC Robot Controller app wirelessly to your FTC robot.
Now, you can make changes to your code in Android Studio, build it, and push the updates wirelessly to your FTC robot by running the app again.

Note: Ensure that your FTC robot and Mac are connected to the same Wi-Fi network for the wireless communication to work properly.

These steps provide a general guide for setting up Android Studio for FTC on a Mac and pushing code wirelessly. For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting, refer to the official FTC documentation and resources.

The Android File Transfer app is typically used to transfer files between an Android device and a Mac computer. In the context of FTC (First Tech Challenge) programming, you do not necessarily need the Android File Transfer app. The purpose of the Android File Transfer app is to facilitate the transfer of files like images, videos, and documents between your Mac and an Android device.

However, for FTC programming, you primarily use Android Studio as the development environment to write, build, and deploy your robot control app. Android Studio handles the deployment of the FTC Robot Controller app to your robot, whether it is connected via USB or wirelessly. You don't need the Android File Transfer app for this specific purpose.

That being said, if you want to transfer other non-programming-related files, such as media or documents, between your Mac and an Android device, you can consider using the Android File Transfer app. It provides a convenient way to transfer files by connecting your Android device to your Mac via a USB cable. Keep in mind that the Android File Transfer app is primarily for file transfer and does not directly impact FTC programming tasks.

For FTC programming and deployment, focus on using Android Studio and following the steps outlined in the previous response to set up your environment and deploy your code wirelessly to the FTC robot.

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