Sample Code - Distance Sensor

Distance Sensor
Summary Explanation:
1. The DistanceSensorExample class extends the LinearOpMode class, which is the base class for FTC OpModes that operate in a linear fashion.
2. The necessary imports and class variable are declared, including the distance sensor (distanceSensor).
3. The runOpMode() method is the main method that executes when the OpMode is run. It initializes the hardware, waits for the start command, and enters a loop to read the distance value, perform desired actions based on the distance, and update telemetry.
4. The initializeHardware() method initializes the distance sensor by getting a reference to it from the hardware map.
5. The getFilteredDistance() method accounts for potential challenges by implementing a simple filtering mechanism. It takes multiple distance readings and calculates the average distance to reduce noise or inconsistencies in the sensor readings. Adjust the FILTER_COUNT variable to change the number of readings used for averaging.
6. Inside the main loop, the getFilteredDistance() method is called to retrieve the average distance value.
7. Telemetry is updated to display the distance value during runtime.

Make sure to configure the hardware map with the appropriate name for your distance sensor and adjust the code inside the loop to define the actions you want based on the distance value.

Remember that different distance sensors may have specific configuration requirements, such as specifying the sensor model or port in the hardware map. Consult the documentation for your specific sensor for any additional setup instructions.

Additionally, keep in mind that distance sensors can be affected by various challenges such as uneven surfaces, reflective surfaces, or ambient lighting. You may need to experiment with different filtering techniques or calibration methods to achieve accurate and reliable distance measurements in your specific environment.

--- code --- Simple
import com.qualcomm.hardware.rev.Rev2mDistanceSensor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DistanceSensor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.DistanceUnit;

public class DistanceSensorExample extends LinearOpMode {
    private DistanceSensor distanceSensor;

    public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {


        while (opModeIsActive()) {
            double distance = getFilteredDistance();

            // Perform desired actions based on the distance value

            telemetry.addData("Distance (inches)", distance);


    private void initializeHardware() {
        HardwareMap hardwareMap = hardwareMap;
        distanceSensor = hardwareMap.get(Rev2mDistanceSensor.class, "distance_sensor");

    private double getFilteredDistance() {
        final int FILTER_COUNT = 5;
        double totalDistance = 0;

        // Collect multiple distance readings
        for (int i = 0; i < FILTER_COUNT; i++) {
            totalDistance += distanceSensor.getDistance(DistanceUnit.INCH);

        // Calculate average distance
        double averageDistance = totalDistance / FILTER_COUNT;

        return averageDistance;

--- code --- Two distance sensors and servo movement

1. The DistanceSensorArmExample class extends the LinearOpMode class, which is the base class for FTC OpModes that operate in a linear fashion.

2. The necessary imports and class variables are declared, including two distance sensors (distanceSensor1 and distanceSensor2) and a servo (armServo).

3. Constants are defined for the servo positions (ARM_LEFT_POSITION and ARM_RIGHT_POSITION) and the maximum distance threshold (MAX_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) for arm movement.

4. The runOpMode() method is the main method that executes when the OpMode is run. It initializes the hardware, waits for the start command, and enters a loop to read the distances from both sensors, move the arm based on the closest distance, and update telemetry

import com.qualcomm.hardware.rev.Rev2mDistanceSensor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DistanceSensor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.Servo;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.DistanceUnit;

public class DistanceSensorArmExample extends LinearOpMode {
    private DistanceSensor distanceSensor1;
    private DistanceSensor distanceSensor2;
    private Servo armServo;

    private static final double ARM_LEFT_POSITION = 0.2;
    private static final double ARM_RIGHT_POSITION = 0.8;
    private static final double MAX_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 10.0; // Maximum allowed distance for arm movement

    public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {


        while (opModeIsActive()) {
            double distance1 = getFilteredDistance(distanceSensor1);
            double distance2 = getFilteredDistance(distanceSensor2);

            // Move the arm left or right based on the closest distance
            if (distance1 < distance2 && distance1 < MAX_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
            } else if (distance2 < MAX_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
            } else {

            telemetry.addData("Distance 1 (inches)", distance1);
            telemetry.addData("Distance 2 (inches)", distance2);


    private void initializeHardware() {
        HardwareMap hardwareMap = hardwareMap;
        distanceSensor1 = hardwareMap.get(Rev2mDistanceSensor.class, "distance_sensor1");
        distanceSensor2 = hardwareMap.get(Rev2mDistanceSensor.class, "distance_sensor2");
        armServo = hardwareMap.get(Servo.class, "arm_servo");

    private double getFilteredDistance(DistanceSensor distanceSensor) {
        final int FILTER_COUNT = 5;
        double totalDistance = 0;

        // Collect multiple distance readings
        for (int i = 0; i < FILTER_COUNT; i++) {
            totalDistance += distanceSensor.getDistance(DistanceUnit.INCH);

        // Calculate average distance
        double averageDistance = totalDistance / FILTER_COUNT;

        return averageDistance;

    private void moveArmLeft() {

    private void moveArmRight() {

    private void stopArm() {
        armServo.setPosition(0.5); // Set the servo to a neutral position

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